Monitoring Language Services

Atomic Services  |  Composite Services
Service Name Service Type Languages
Provider Status
Toshiba English-Chinese Machine Translation Translation (en<->zh-CN) Corporate R&D Center, Tosh... Run
Toyohashi City Multilingual Documents for Foreign Students Studying in Japanese Schools ParallelText (en, es, ja, pt-PT, tl, zh-CN) Toyohashi City Board of Ed... Run
TreeTagger MorphologicalAnalysi... (en)(de)(fr)(it)(es)(nl)(ru)(bg)(pt-PT) Institut fuer Maschinelle ... Run
VLSP POS Tagger MorphologicalAnalysi... (vi) Ho Laboratory, School of K... Run
Voice of Southern Vietnam (VOS) TextToSpeech (vi) Artificial Intelligence La... Run
VoiceText TextToSpeech (en)(ja)(zh-CN) Ishida and Matsubara Labor... Suspension
Wikipedia Dictionary on Katakana (ja, 00:00 02 Nov 2009) BilingualDictionaryW... (ja<->zh-CN) Knowledge-Base Lab., Gradu... Run
Wikipedia Dictionary on National Park US (en, 23:00 22 Jul 2010) BilingualDictionaryW... (af, ar, be, bg, ca, cs, cy, da, de, el,... Ishida and Matsubara Labor... Run
WordNet ConceptDictionary (en) Cognitive Science Laborato... Run
Yahoo! Dependency Parser DependencyParser (ja) Language Grid Kyoto Operat... Run
Yahoo! Keyphrase Extractor KeyphraseExtraction (ja) Language Grid Kyoto Operat... Run
Yahoo! Morphological Analyzer MorphologicalAnalysi... (ja) Language Grid Kyoto Operat... Run
YMC Expert Answer Parallel Text TemplateParallelText (vi, en, ja) NPO Pangaea Run
YMC Rice Dictionary BilingualDictionaryW... (vi, en, ja) NPO Pangaea Run
Yokkaichi-City School Guidance Parallel Text ParallelText (ja, zh, es, tl, th) Language Grid Kyoto Operat... Run
Z Parser DependencyParser (zh) Language Grid Kyoto Operat... Run
Z Part-of-Speech Tagger MorphologicalAnalysi... (zh)(en) Language Grid Kyoto Operat... Run
Service Name Service Type Languages
Provider Status
Asynchronous Translation Service (Beta) Other - NPO Pangaea Run
Asynchronous Translation Service Combined With Temporal Dictionary (Beta) Other - NPO Pangaea Run
BackTranslation Service BackTranslation (*-*->*) Language Infrastructure Gr... Run
Best Translation Selection Combined With Temporal Dictionary TranslationWithTempo... (*<->*) Language Infrastructure Gr... Run
Best Translation Selection Using Quality Estimation With All Results Translation Selectio... (*<->*) Language Infrastructure Gr... Run
Bilingual Dictionary Cross Search Service BilingualDictionary (*<->*) Language Infrastructure Gr... Run
Bilingual Dictionary With Longest Matching Cross Search Service BilingualDictionaryW... (*<->*) Language Infrastructure Gr... Run
Quality Estimation Based on BackTranslation Quality Estimation (*<->*) Language Infrastructure Gr... Run
Tagged Back Translation Combined With Bilingual Dictionary With Longest Match Search Service BackTranslationWithT... (*<->*) Ishida and Matsubara Labor... Run
Tagged Translation Combined With Bilingual Dictionary With Longest Match Search Service TranslationWithTempo... (*<->*) Ishida and Matsubara Labor... Run
Three-Hop Translation Service MultihopTranslation (*-*-*->*) Language Infrastructure Gr... Run
Three-Hop Translation Service through En-Ja Translator Translation (*->*) Language Infrastructure Gr... Run
Three-Hop Translation Service through Ja-En Translator Translation (*->*) Language Infrastructure Gr... Run
TranslationCombinedWithBilingualDictionaryWithLongestMatchSearchDQWV TranslationWithTempo... (*<->*) Ishida and Matsubara Labor... Run
Translation Service Combined With Bilingual Dictionary TranslationWithTempo... (*<->*) Language Infrastructure Gr... Run
Translation Service Combined With Bilingual Dictionary With Longest Match Search TranslationWithTempo... (*<->*) Language Infrastructure Gr... Run
Translation With Backup Service Translation (*->*) Communication Design Labor... Run
Translation With Parallel Text Translation (*<->*) Language Infrastructure Gr... Run
Two-Hop Translation Service MultihopTranslation (*-*->*) Language Infrastructure Gr... Run
Two-Hop Translation Service through English Translation (*->*) Language Infrastructure Gr... Run
Two-Hop Translation Service through Japanese Translation (*->*) Language Infrastructure Gr... Run
Word Translation Other - Ishida and Matsubara Labor... Run
Word Translation Combined with Temporal Dictionary Other - Ishida and Matsubara Labor... Run