Monitoring Language Services

Atomic Services  |  Composite Services
Service Name Service Type Languages
Provider Status
AUEB Greek POS Tagger MorphologicalAnalysi... (el) Ishida and Matsubara Labor... Run
CaboCha DependencyParser (ja) Ishida and Matsubara Labor... Run
ChaSen MorphologicalAnalysi... (ja) Ishida and Matsubara Labor... Run
CLPL09 Englis-Spanish Dictionary BilingualDictionary (en<->es) Ishida and Matsubara Labor... Run
Frog MorphologicalAnalysi... (nl) Ishida and Matsubara Labor... Run
GATE ANNIE POSTagger MorphologicalAnalysi... (*) Ishida and Matsubara Labor... Run
German Named Entity Recognition Service NamedEntityTagging (de) Ishida and Matsubara Labor... Run
HunPos MorphologicalAnalysi... (en)(hu) Ishida and Matsubara Labor... Run
Kyoto Text Analysis Toolkit MorphologicalAnalysi... (ja)(zh) Ishida and Matsubara Labor... Run
LX POS Tagger MorphologicalAnalysi... (*) Ishida and Matsubara Labor... Run
MaltParser Morphemes Dependency... (*) Ishida and Matsubara Labor... Run
MeCab MorphologicalAnalysi... (ja) Ishida and Matsubara Labor... Run
OpenNLP Pos Tagger MorphologicalAnalysi... (en)(da)(de)(nl)(pt)(se) Ishida and Matsubara Labor... Run
RALI TREC Question ParallelText Service ParallelText (en, fr) Ishida and Matsubara Labor... Run
Stanford Named Entity Recognizer Service NamedEntityTagging (en) Ishida and Matsubara Labor... Run
Stanford Parser Service DependencyParser (en) Ishida and Matsubara Labor... Run
Stanford POS tagger MorphologicalAnalysi... (en) Ishida and Matsubara Labor... Run
SVMTool Service MorphologicalAnalysi... (en)(es) Ishida and Matsubara Labor... Run
The Festival Speech Synthesis Service TextToSpeech (en) Ishida and Matsubara Labor... Run
The MARY Text-to-Speech System TextToSpeech (en) Ishida and Matsubara Labor... Run
Wikipedia Dictionary on Katakana (ja, 00:00 02 Nov 2009) BilingualDictionary (ja<->zh-CN) Ishida and Matsubara Labor... Run
Wikipedia Dictionary on National Park US (en, 23:00 22 Jul 2010) BilingualDictionaryW... (*<->*) Ishida and Matsubara Labor... Run
WordNet ConceptDictionary (en) Ishida and Matsubara Labor... Run
XLEL Name Entity Dictionary BilingualDictionary (*<->*) Ishida and Matsubara Labor... Run
Service Name Service Type Languages
Provider Status