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For Professors

Services Computing School provides exercises for Services Computing course at an undergraduate / graduate school. Professors in charge of Services Computing courses can use the exercises on this Web site for their courses.

To use the exercises in your course, please follow the steps shown below:

  1. Confirm the exercises are suitable for your course trying the exercises by yourself (see Exercises).
    You need to fill out the form and get a temporary ID at Apply for Trial to try the exercises. The temporary ID for trial is provided only for professors. Using the temporary ID, you can try the exercises and consider whether you can use the exercises on this Web site for your course. The temporary ID is valid during one day you request. The number of requests for a temporary ID is limited to 5.
  2. Get a temporary ID for exercise in your course at Apply for Teaching if you decide to conduct the exercises.
    The temporary ID for exercise is valid during one day you request and used by students. Request a temporary ID for days you will conduct exercises in your couse. But we can't provide a temporary ID when we receive many requests for the same day. In that case, please change the day of the exercises.
    The number of requests for a temporary ID is limited to 5. Therefore the exercises using this Web site is up to 5 days.
  3. Distribute the temporary ID for exercise to the students when you conduct the exercises in your course. Please follow the instructions in the exercises on this Web site to use the temporary ID.

The Language Grid also provides many language services besides the services provided for the exercises. To use more language services and resources, your organization needs to sign Agreement for Language Grid User with Language Grid Operation Center. Please contact operation (at) langrid.org for detailed information.

Conditions of Use

  • The use of Web services provided for the exercises on this Website is limited to non-profit use in services computing courses at undergraduate / graduate school of universities. It is prohibited to use Web services on this Website in companies or commercial courses.
  • You have to put the following sentences in your course Web site if you conduct exercises in your course.
    This tutorial is provided by Service Computing School. Powered by the Language Grid.
  • Your organization, country and the URL of your course will be shown to the public if you conduct exercises in your course.